How to care for the clothes and linens of the most beautiful baby in the world?

It's happened! There's a baby in the house. All you want to do is cover the little one in kisses. But you also have to cover the bundle of joy in clothes. And these clothes will need cleaning. Because one thing that babies love to do is regurgitate (it's natural, but it requires an industrial quantity of bibs), and they need to be changed often. Very often. And then the questions start to pop up. What temperature should I use to wash my baby’s clothes and linens? Should I add fabric softener? How can I be sure my baby’s clothes and linens are sanitised? We have just one answer to all these questions. Follow our tips.
Tip No. 1

wash baby clothes before they are worn for the first time

After your baby is born, you’re often a little overloaded, to say the least. And in all the rush, you may forget that it's preferable to wash new baby clothes and linens first before they're worn. Just imagine all the hands that must have touched them in the store in order to be convinced...Since newborn skin is so fragile, a quick wash is recommended to avoid all risk of allergies or eczema.
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Tip No. 2

choose a gentle detergent that isn't harsh

To protect a baby's delicate skin, it's best to invest in a dermatologically tested hypoallergenic detergent. Choose one without enzymes, colourings or short, a gentle, neutral detergent. Even better, opt for a mild, organic detergent to protect both the baby’s health and the environment. This type of detergent will considerably reduce the risk of allergic reactions, and it's ideal for the whole family.
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Tip No. 3

forget about fabric softeners

Fabric softeners or conditioners have components chock-full of allergens that don't mix well with infants. We highly recommend that you remove them from your home. For a true gentle touch, your baby always has you.
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Tip No. 4

limit the amount of detergent.

We all have a tendency to overdose on cleaning products, thinking that the more we use, the more effective they’ll be. This mistake can cost you dearly when you have a baby and need to wash often...Reducing the amount of detergent does not reduce its effectiveness. Using too much risks leaving irritating residue on your baby's skin. An eco-tip: use half the recommended amount of detergent, and make up the other half with bicarbonate of soda.


Wash your baby’s clothes at the highest possible temperature permitted. And because dust mites and bacteria love to make their home in bedding and cuddly toys, sanitize fabrics that need to be washed at low temperatures with Laurastar Dry Microfine Steam (DMS).

The Laurastar systems’ natural and hygienic steam has been used for over 30 years in maternity wards throughout Switzerland. It kills 99.9% of viruses, bacteria and fungi and 100% of dust mites: it's an invaluable ally for purifying the environment of infants, whose immune systems still can't defend well against bacteria. A simple solution to adopt now for your baby’s clothes and linens so that he or she grows up healthy and your family can flourish with total peace of mind.
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