According to a study carried out by Professor Gerba, in addition to undergarments, the home has 7 breeding grounds for germs.

PillowsA typical person spends 25 years of their life asleep, which means 25 years with one’s head on one’s pillow. Additionally, each person loses between 0.5 and 1 litre of water a night, thereby generating humidity favourable for the development of germs.
Bath and kitchen towels"The common occurrence of enteric bacteria in kitchen sponges and dishcloths suggests that they can play a role in the cross-contamination of foods, fomites and hands by foodborne pathogens. This study investigated the occurrence of bacteria in kitchen towels often used to dry dishes, hands and other surfaces in the domestic kitchen. A total of 82 kitchen hand towels were collected from households in five major cities in the United States and Canada and the numbers of heterotrophic bacteria, coliform bacteria, and Escherichia coli in each towel were determined. In addition, identification of the enteric bacteria was performed on selected towels. Coliform bacteria were detected in 89.0% and E. coli in 25.6% of towels. The presence of E. coli was related to the frequency of washing." (Source : Charles P. Gerba,1* Akrum H. Tamimi,1 Sherri Maxwell,1 Laura Y. Sifuentes, 1 Douglas R. Hoffman2 and David W. Koenig2 1Dept. of Soil, Water and Environmental Science, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA)
Kitchen sponges15% contain bacteria like Salmonella or E. coli. They should be replaced every week.
Sofas & cushionsare difficult to wash, especially when they have covers that can’t be removed, and can rarely handle washes at 60°C or more.
The inside of cars especially those that regularly transport children. Computers, telephones, tablets and hotel room remote controls, which are rarely disinfected and used by a number of people.
Toys and stuffed animalscarried around inside at outside the home.
Domestic animalscan also carry microorganisms capable of causing illnesses among humans (which are then called zoonoses). We can find, for example, the bacteria responsible for gastroenteritis (e.g. Salmonella) in the digestive tract of domestic cats and dogs.

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